Got my second wind -2 weeks to go
Oh, I am so excited right now. It feels like I got my second wind. The baby is nearly due and my husband and I can’t wait to have the baby with us.
I am wondering what he looks like - it does not really matter of course but its so funny to think what features he will have from me and what from my husband. This is truly the most wonderful time in my life.
I posted a photograph of my belly onto the stock exchange web site and to my surprise I got 30 uploads in one day - I could not believe it! I actually was only trying the web site and uploaded one of the photographs I had on my computer in work and I have so many wonderful photos at home. It gave me a little kick and I am going to use this opportunity and take few more shots before the baby is born and upload it there. It means someone must like it – such a great feeling.
Oh and last but not least there is a great sale in DUN STORES right now. We got few hundreds Euro worth of vouchers for our wedding so I am going to have fun spending it tonight and tomorrow - I think I might buy some decorations for the house and more stuff for the baby room.
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