Starting my blog
I have to say it took me a while to consider starting my own blog. I was pretty bad in keeping my diary as a child and I hope I will not follow the same path by inputting some silly excuses about why “I have not written in such a long time”. Oh well, let just try and give it a go, right?
So, what has suddenly changed in my mind that I have decided to start my own blog? The answer is my pregnancy. I have to admit reading a few blogs about mothers sharing their thoughts and experiences and I thought that actually it would be great to have some small memories from this period myself - something I can look back at and read in the future, some small, sweat memories.
I am 26 weeks and 5 days today so I only have 3 months to go. I have to say I LOVE being pregnant and I was very lucky not having any bad pregnancy symptoms (vomiting etc). We know for 90% that it’s a boy and we decided to call him Leon. I remember watching the “Leon Professional” film and I always thought that this name had a very nice sound to it. Unfortunately, it is quite a different issue back home where this name is considered very old fashioned and unattractive. Choosing a baby name is a very subjective and I have found out that you tend to choose a name for your child by naming it like someone you like: for example if you know a irritating person named “Steve” you are unlikely to call your child the same name. In my case I really like the sound of Leo, Leon in English and with my native polish language I better get used to it. :)